Big Bang's G-Dragon made headlines recently after it was revealed he tested positive for marijuana usage. Considering how his peers in the industry were blacklisted for scandals, netizens have been wondering whether he too will be banned from appearing on the nation's biggest public broadcasting channels, KBS, MBC, and SBS. Fans can breathe a sigh of relief, as KBS, MBC, and SBS officially announced that "appearance sanctions [against G-Dragon] will not be made." To start, KBS and MBC have confirmed that they will not be imposing any restrictions on G-Dragon. A representative of KBS stated, "Kwon Ji Yong's indictment is currently suspended and thus he is not standing before the law. Consequently, imposing a restriction would be difficult." MBC also announced, "We could talk about appearance restrictions, but opening a whole conference is not yet decided. We would usually have a meeting if it were civil or criminal cases, but when a case's indictment is suspended, we typically will not open one." SBS also came out with similar announcements to KBS and MBC, stating that chances of restricting G-Dragon's TV appearance would be low. Normally, an official decision for a celebrity's removal from a broadcast appearance is made after each of the broadcasting stations hold a meeting with the Performers' Regulation Commission. Currently, a total of twelve celebrities have been blacklisted by MBC and KBS after being hit with drug-related charges. Some of these include Oh Kwang Rok, Yoon Sul Hee, Jun In Kwon, Ju Ji Hoon, and Crown J. Source: Star News
Big Bang's G-Dragon will not be blacklisted from broadcast appearances
Posted by 8 pts Wednesday, October 5, 2011
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