On September 2nd, SBS's new drama 'The Musical' aired its first episode! The episode introduces the story of 'Go Eun Bi' (played by Goo Hye Sun), an honest and hardworking medical student who's completely in love with musicals. She claims that adding medical terminology into musical numbers makes it easier to memorize them; she also respects top musical actress Bae Kang Hee more than the nobel prize winner Albert Schweitzer. Eun Bi takes a leave of absence from medical school behind her father's back, and applies for multiple musical auditions but gets rejected by each one. However, Eun Bi is a girl who does not know how to give up. Meanwhile, famous composer/musical director Hong Jae Yi (played by Daniel Choi) is a talented and handsome guy, but doesn't always make a great first impression on people. He is very care-free, has a high level of aesthetic sensitivity, and basically does whatever he wants. During the episode, Eun Bi and Jae Yi bump into each other several times by coincidence. When Jae Yi happens to hear Eun Bi singing by the Han River one day, he criticizes her singing with the comment, "Hey little lady, you really can't sing. You're not supposed to sorrowfully wail that song like that", and reveals to her that he was the original composer of the song she was singing. At this, Eun Bi just gives a short laugh and replies, "If you're Hong Jae Yi, then I'm Bae Kang Hee!", but Jae Yi leaves her with the warning, "Don't even dream of becoming a musical actress if you have no talent". Fast forward a year later, and we can see that Eun Bi still hasn't given up on her dream to become a musical actress. When the two characters happen to meet once again, Jae Yi ends up playing the piano for Eun Bi while she sings to his accompaniment, but this time he forms a smile on his face instead of criticizing her, hinting that the two may form an interesting relationship in the future. Viewers praised Goo Hye Sun's hidden singing talents and Daniel Choi's portrayal of a cheerful yet tough character with comments such as, "They really good together", "I'm looking forward to the acting", and "'The Musical' is really entertaining!" Source + Photo: Newsen via Nate
[Spoiler] 'The Musical' airs its first episode!
Posted by 2 pts Saturday, September 3, 2011
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