There has been some recent discussion between Hyun Young and singer NS Yoon Ji and the parallels in their looks and life story. On September 2nd, NS Yoon Ji came out as a guest on Y-STAR LIVE, 'Sik ShinRoad' and received a big welcome from the host, Hyun Young. On that day, NS Yoon Ji received an unusually big welcome garnering curiosity from fellow MC Jung Joon Ha. Hyun Young answered, "NS Yoon Ji and I share very interesting similarities together". The first similarity revealed was that NS Yoon Ji and Hyun Young were both born on the same day. Hyun Young was born on September 6, 1976 and NS Yoon Ji was born on September 6, 1988. Along with sharing the same birthday they also have the same Chinese zodiac symbols. Additionally, it was revealed that they had the same blood type O, and in school they both majored in dance. Lastly, they're both known for being able to handle large amounts of alcohol. As Hyun Young revealed their similarities, she commented, "It's too scary to say it's just a coincidence!" To this, Jung Joon Ha commented, "Then is NS Yoon Ji going to look like you in 12 years?" causing the crowd to burst into laughter. Source & Photo: Naver
In 12 years, NS Yoon Ji will look like Hyun Young?
Posted by 1 pt Saturday, September 3, 2011
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