Super Junior's Leeteuk amused fans when his jealousy towards actor Song Joong Ki was revealed. On September 9th, Leeteuk and SISTAR gathered at SISTAR's dorm to film the second episode of KBS JOY's "Super Junior and SISTAR's Hello Baby". On this day, the SISTAR members took instant photos with baby Kyumin as part of a game to find his "first mother". Baby Kyumin seemed to like the photo he took with Hyorin, so he gave her the honor by choosing her with his feet. At this moment, the baby's "father" Leeteuk became confused after he saw a photo of Song Joong Ki on the wall. Leeteuk then decided to cover Song Jong Ki's poster entirely with SISTAR's instant photos. Amused, SISTAR's Bora asked, "Oppa, what are you doing right now?". The embarrassed Leeteuk answered, "I mean, there was nowhere else to stick the photos..." Bora then quibbled jokingly, "Why are you sticking them right there? I can't take those off." Seems like Leeteuk wanted to make sure that his baby only recognized one father! Source + Photo: Newsen
Leeteuk shows jealousy towards Song Joong Ki
Posted by 0 pt Saturday, September 10, 2011
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