Actor Kim Soo Hyun and famous Japanese star Yu Aoi have paired up for a photoshoot. The photoshoot was for the cover of a Japanese magazine called 'MADFORY', and the two exuded different charms for their pictorials. Yu Aoi donned a sweet look for her cover that saw minimal makeup and an outfit trimmed with lace. Meanwhile, Kim Soo Hyun was dressed in a very dramatic suit with a high collar. His strong stance and slightly dishevelled hairstyle gave him a very masculine look, driving fans both in Korea and Japan wild. It's said that although it was their first time meeting, the two worked together very smoothly and held light conversations about each other's work. Kim Soo Hyun has been gaining more popularity in Japan after his drama 'Dream High' was aired across the nation. Source + Image: Nate
Kim Soo Hyun and Yu Aoi pair up for "Madfory" magazine
Posted by 1 pt Monday, September 26, 2011
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