Popular actor and singer Jang Geun Suk recently was a guest on MBC's "Knee-Drop Guru" and on the show he revealed his urge to be friends with Lee Seung Gi. The "Asian Prince" filmed the episode on August 31th at MBC's Dream Center in Ilsan, and spoke about a variety of topics including his international fame and quick rise to the top of the Oricon music charts. However, what received the most attention was his revelation of wanting to be friends with Lee Seung Gi. Jang Geun Suk stated, "I really would like to be friends with Lee Seung Gi since we're the same age." In the beginning of the recording, Jang Geun Suk was observed as being very nervous and shy, but over time he loosened up. His humorous and witty side shone through, and he was able to speak eloquently. His appearance was filmed in a format to fit two separate episodes, the first of which will air on September 7th. Source: Nate
Jang Geun Suk wants to be friends with Lee Seung Gi
Posted by 3 pts Friday, September 2, 2011
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