T-ara's Hyomin took a memorial photo with her 'Gisaeng Ryung' movie script. On August 1st, she shared, "My handmade 'Gisaeng Ryung' script that I've grown so attached to, now it's goodbye. But on August 4th, the script will be unfolded via the big screen. Coming Soon." In the photo, Hyomin is seen wearing a pretty dress with a big ribbon in her hair while she poses with the eye-catching 'Gisaeng Ryung' script in her hand. It has been revealed before that the creepy drawing on the cover was drawn by Hyomin herself. Netizens who viewed this photo commented, "I'm supposed to be scared but you're too pretty", "I want to hurry up and see the movie!", and "This picture is really pretty". Source + Photo: Star News via Nate
T-ara's Hyomin says goodbye to her 'Gisaeng Ryung' script
Posted by 0 pt Tuesday, August 2, 2011
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