Actor Shin Hyun Jun has tweeted an eerie photo with former H.O.T member, Jang Woo Hyuk. "This will help you fall asleep," he wrote. The photo is a close-up of the two, and both have bizarre expressions on their faces. Shin Hyun Jun is covering half his face with his semi-long hair, trying to make the shot seem more freaky. This tweet was in response to a fan writing, "I'm tired but I can't sleep because I'm scared... what should I do?" Netizens responded with, "I was really shocked!" and "How am I supposed to fall asleep now". Who's the got eerier pose, Jang Woo Hyuk or Shin Hyun Jun? Source & Image : StarToday via Nate
Shin Hyun Joon tweets an eerie photo with Jang Woo Hyuk
Posted by 22 pts Saturday, August 6, 2011
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