S.E.S's Shoo delighted fans after she shared pictures of herself with her baby at an art museum. The picture was recently uploaded onto an online community under the title, "S.E.S's Shoo with her son, Lim Yoo, at an art museum outing". In the picture, the veteran pop idol is dressed fairly casually while holding her son in her arms. Shoo's maternal image was further emphasized by the diaper bag she carried on her back. Netizens commented, "Shoo really looks like a mother", "She still can't hide her fairy-like beauty", and"The baby grew so much~". Shoo married her husband, basketball player Lim Hyosung, in April of 2010 after dating for two years of dating, and gave birth to their first baby six months later. Source & Photo: Kyeongin News
S.E.S's Shoo reveals pictures of herself and her baby at an art museum
Posted by 1 pt Saturday, August 20, 2011
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