Earlier this week, sweet pop duo Davichi announced that they'd be making their first comeback in over a year. The ladies confirmed the news through two gorgeous photo updates on their Twitter! On August 18th, Kang Min Kyung wrote, "We're finally coming back! Soon!" Along with the tweet were two photos of the girls who each held up the signs that read 'come' and 'back'. Thanks to their long hair and polished makeup, Davichi are looking lovelier than ever, and even give off a more mature vibe. Netizens commented, "My heart flutters with just your pictures", "You guys look somewhat alike posing side-by-side like this", and "The comeback of such talented singers!" Davichi will be releasing their mini-album on September 1st. Source + Photos: JoongAng via Nate
Davichi reveals their excitement for their comeback
Posted by 42 pts Thursday, August 18, 2011
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