Actor Ji Hyun Woo recently cheered on girl group Chocolat, who are preparing for their debut. On August 15th, the actor gave a special shout-out to the idols by uploading a video clip on their official fancafe, in addition to giving them some words of support. In the video clip, Ji Hyun Woo said, "Hello. I'm going to recommend a new girl group to you all. Charming group 'Chocolat' will soon greet you with a fresh and refreshing song. You'll get to meet them soon. Chocolat fighting!" The special video was Ji Hyun Woo's idea, which he thought of while visiting Chocolat at their album jacket shoot. Seeing as how he's also the girls' labelmate, he gave them some helpful advice. After seeing the video clip, netizens commented, "What a wonderful senior! I wish I had a senior like him", "Chocolat fighting!", and "I think he really likes Chocolat." Chocolat will release their debut digital single on August 17th and will perform for the first time on Mnet's 'M! Coutndown' on the following day with their title song, "Syndrome". Source: Star News via Nate
Actor Ji Hyun Woo cheers on Chocolat as they prepare for debut
Posted by 2 pts Tuesday, August 16, 2011
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