The popular SBS drama, 'City Hunter', finally aired its series finale and wrapped up the fates of the three main characters, 'Kim Na Na', 'Lee Yoon Sung' and 'Lee Jin Pyo'. On July 28th, the last episode of 'City Hunter' saw Lee Yoon Sung (Lee Min Ho) interfering with Lee Jin Pyo's (Kim Sang Joong) final revenge on 'Choi Eun Chan' (Chun Ho Jin). Lee Yoon Sung was played into Lee Jin Pyo's plan of revenge, and upon his discovery, he bellowed with sorrow and pointed his gun at his own head. In that moment, Choi Eun Chan yelled, "Stop it!" Choi Eun Chan knew he had to stand up for his punishment and so he pushed Kim Na Na (Park Min Young) aside, inviting Jin Pyo to fire at him, causing momentary confusion. Lee Jin Pyo seized the moment and fired a shot at Choi, only to see Lee Yoon Sung take the shot instead. The surprised Kim Na Na returns fire and hits Lee Jin Pyo's chest. After seeing the President getting ushered away by his guards and Yoon Sung lying hurt on the ground, Lee Jin Pyo knew that this was the end of his revenge as he yells out that he is the 'City Hunter' and takes the rap, before the remaining bodyguards shoot at Lee Jin Pyo, thus ending his life. Afterwards, Kim Na Na is seen at the airport with her luggage when she glances upon the sight of Yoon Sung. After some twists and turns, the couple experience a happy ending as the two reunite, smiling warmly at each other upon the long-awaited reunion. Lee Yoon Sung is then seen cruising alone in his car as it leads us to assume that he is continuing his destiny as 'City Hunter', and making a possibility for a sequel. Did you watch the end of 'City Hunter'? How did you feel about the series finale? Toss us your thoughts below! Source: TVReport via Nate Photo: Goo Hara's Twitter
[Spoiler: City Hunter] 'City Hunter' airs its series finale
Posted by 1 pt Friday, July 29, 2011
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