Earlier today, CSJH's Sunday lashed out on her Twitter with a series of furious rants that included profane language. Representatives of SM Entertainment cleared up the issue through Star News by explaining, "Sunday wrote those tweets because she has a personal problem that she feels upset about. Please do not exaggerate with your interpretations." Sunday herself followed up with an apology on her Twitter. "I briefly forgot my duty as a public figure and let human nature emerge. I am reflecting on my actions; I am sorry." She continued, "Everyone, Twitter has this certain magical spell that makes it feel like a diary, something that makes you lose yourself and just express everything on your shoulders when you don't have a friend to turn to. I'm sorry, everyone." Source + Photos: Star News via Nate
CSJH's Sunday apologizes for her Twitter outburst
Posted by 42 pts Friday, July 22, 2011
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