Brown Eyed Girls' Jea showed off her luxury brand bag that she received as a present. On July 21st, Jea uploaded a proof shot of her bag through her Twitter, as she wrote, "Songwriter Lee Min Soo, who has been with us the longest, bought me a M*** **cob's bag to celebrate the 2-year anniversary of 'Abracadabra' ^^ Oh my, I'm so happy. I think recording will go smoothly." In the picture, Jea is sporting a pair of shades while holding up her new bag in one hand, and giving a thumbs up on the other. Netizens are laughing over her expressionless face, which contrasts greatly with her 'Oh my, I'm so happy' comment. They replied, "That bag is probably quite expensive", "I wish I had someone who would buy me a bag like that...", and "Take this chance and do a bag CF?" Meanwhile, the Brown Eyed Girls have been working hard in the recording studio, preparing for their album and comeback next month. Source + Pics: Ilgan Sports via Nate
Brown Eyed Girls' Jea receives a luxury bag as a present
Posted by 11 pts Friday, July 22, 2011
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