Earlier this week, Brave Entertainment announced that Brave Girls would be making a comeback this month. On July 22nd, they followed up with additional information and concept photos. Member Yejin's 'spy shots' were recently shared on various community boards, and the pictures were proven to be unedited shots taken directly from the set of the girls' album jacket photoshoot. Since there were no touch-ups done to her shots, netizens were particularly impressed by Yejin's toned body. Brave Girls' official Twitter also announced that the girls will be releasing their mini-album, "Back to da Future", on July 29th. Departing from the R&B style of their debut track, Brave Girls will make their comeback with a medium-tempo reggae track that features retro beats reminiscent of the '80s and '90s. The album will feature the works of their producer, Brave Brothers, as well as a guest rap by the leader of the Korean reggae scene, Skull. Leader Eunyoung's solo track, "It Hurts So Much", and an acoustic remix of their debut track can also be found on their new work. Check out the tracklist below! 1. Back to da future 2. Easily (Featuring Skull) (Title Track) 3. When It Rains 4. It Hurts So Much (Feat. Maboos from Electroboyz) 5. Do You Know (Acoustic Remix) 6. Easily (Instrumental) Source + Photos: TV Daily via Nate, YesAsia Tip: BraveGirlsFacts
Brave Girls releases info on their comeback mini-album, "Back to da Future"
Posted by 42 pts Friday, July 22, 2011
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