Viewers are going crazy over a hot kiss scene in SBS's "City Hunter" between Lee Min Ho and Park Min Young! Dubbed as the 'lightbulb kiss', the scene sees 'Yoon Sung' (Lee Min Ho) and 'Nana' (Park Min Young) sharing an intense kiss against the bright light emitted by a lightbulb. There's a strong sense of intimacy between Lee Min Ho and Park Min Young - Lee Min Ho draws Park Min Young closer by cradling her face with his hands, while Park Min Young leans in against him. Viewers expressed satisfaction with this particular kiss scene, since they were disappointed by episode 8's "sofa kiss". Hilariously, it's being reported that Lee Min Ho and Park Min Young didn't have many NGs as they filmed for the scene. Check out the 'lightbulb kiss' scene for yourself below! Source: Asia Today via Nate
[Spoiler: City Hunter] Lee Min Ho and Park Min Young share an electrifying 'light bulb kiss'
Posted by 1 pt Thursday, June 23, 2011
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