T-ara's Hyomin recently shared her talented drawing skills with her fans. On May 11th, the idol tweeted, "Finished with script practice. I was bored and doodling and finished the one and only poster for 'Gisaeng Ryung' because I was so absorbed. Maybe it's because I got sensitive these days, but I keep hearing weird noises, boo hoo." She also shared her own poster for the horror movie, as well as other shots revealing her drawing process. Hyomin was captured in a casual outfit wearing giant glasses and her hair pulled together in a ponytail. The poster portrays a child trapped in a clay pot, giving off a scary and eerie feeling. It is surprisingly realistic, proving that her drawing skills exceed far beyond an average person's. Netizens commented, "You draw really well. You could use the picture as the official poster", "You could've been an art student", and "The picture is too scary". Hyomin is currently filming the horror movie "Gisaeng Ryung" with actress Han Eun Jung. Source: JoongAng via Nate
T-ara's Hyomin reveals her drawing talent to fans
Posted by 2 pts Thursday, May 12, 2011
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