On May 20th, actor Kim Soo Ro shared a picture he took with the Brave Girls from the set of his idol-themed movie, "Mister Idol". His caption read, "During the filming of 'Idol'! With Brave Girls." Pictured in a sleek suit, he's seen with a wide smile as he poses alongside the Brave Girls. Fans joked that he looked more like a manager because of the girls' youthful looks. Netizens commented, "A picture of a manager and his rookie girl group", "He seems to really be enjoying it but holding back on his smile", and "Age-wise, he could be their father." Source + Photos: Joongang via Nate
Kim Soo Ro & the Brave Girls share a photo from the set of "Mister Idol"
Posted by 42 pts Friday, May 20, 2011
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