Recently, allkpop reported that the Wonder Girls appeared in a photoshoot for Teen Vogue. Well, on April 19th, a video footage of their interview during the shoot was uploaded through YouTube. The Wonder Girls were interviewed alongside singer Adele, rapper Lupe Fiasco, band Dirty Gold, singer Christina Perri, and singer Greyson Chance. They were asked questions about their music - to which they replied, "A good mix of old and new." They also talk about their favorite singers and Ye Eun stated that "all artists inspired us." Hyerim revealed that she loves to sing "Irreplaceable", and the girls even gave a treat as they sang a small portion of the song. Ye Eun chose "I Don't Need A Man" by The Pussycat Dolls as her favorite break-up song. Fans were able to get a taste of the Wonder Girls' much improved English skills through their interview. With their full scale American debut underway, we hope to see and hear more of them soon! Check out the interview below!
Wonder Girls gain U.S. exposure through 'Teen Vogue' interview
Posted by 11 pts Wednesday, April 20, 2011
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