Wonder Girls member Lim recently revealed a cute childhood photo of herself. On April 4th the idol tweeted, "I found this photo of me when I was little :)" and uploaded a picture of herself from her past. In the newly revealed picture, Lim is seen wearing a bright yellow dress and smiling as brightly as the color of her outfit. Her big doe-like eyes and small facial features looked the same as she does now, and netizens praised her unchanging appearance. Netizens compared her childhood photo with another recent picture that she took with a rose, saying, "How can you be the same? You show 100% synchronization with your childhood photo keke", "Your eyes are really big. You're so cute", "You were pretty from the beginning", and "I could believe that you're not wearing any makeup in your recent photo". Source: Newsen via Nate
Wonder Girls' Lim tweets a photo of herself when she was little
Posted by 2 pts Monday, April 4, 2011
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