Over the past two days, Pledis Entertainment released three photo teasers featuring After School's E-Young, Raina, Nana, and Lizzy, followed by UEE earlier today. The agency has now gone ahead with an early release of another photo teaser for today, which spotlights their first generation members, led by leader Kahi and fellow pioneering members like Jungah, Jooyeon, and Bekah. After School is preparing for their comeback at the end of the month with their first official album, "Virgin", and they are building up hype with a photo teaser series. Since the group holds the unique concept of admissions and graduations, the member teasers were divided into teams. The first generation is Kahi, Jungah, Jooyeon, and Bekah; the second generation is UEE, the third generation is Raina, Nana, and Lizzy; finally, the fourth generation is E-Young. The girls are gearing up to drop their first official album, "Virgin", and fans are sure to be treated to not just a photo teaser series, but an MV teaser in the future as well. "Virgin" is currently scheduled for release on the 29th. [gallery columns=4] Source: Pledis
After School releases 4th photo teaser for "Virgin" comeback!
Posted by 1 pt Wednesday, April 20, 2011
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