2AM's Jo Kwon melted hearts by singing "You Are the Best of Mine" on the latest broadcast of MBC's "All My Love".
On March 14th, 'Ok Yeob' (Jo Kwon) sang "You Are the Best of Mine" to 'Seung Ah' (Yoon Seung Ah) as a White Day present. (On White Day, men are suppose to present candy or gifts to close female friends, associates, or girlfriends as a response to the gifts they received on Valentine's Day.)
The event came about when Teacher Woo Jin (Yeon Woo Jin) requested Ok Yeob and Seung Ah to go around wearing a heart-shaped hats as they handed out candy to women.
Before handing the candy to the last associate, Jo Kwon said, "Uncle Woo Jin asked me to tell this to you. Truthfully, I like you a lot. I always acted like a little kid in front of you. Today, I made the courage to tell you. I really like you. And also, thank you for appearing in front of me." He also said, "Uncle Woo Jin also told me to sing you this song," and with that he sang "You Are the Best of Mine."
In the end, Ok Yeob manages to hand the candy to Seung Ah and confessed his feelings indirectly.
After watching this episode, viewers commented, "Jo Kwon's 'You Are the Best of Mine' is so romantic" and "I really like Jo Kwon's version of 'You Are the Best of Mine."
Source + Picture: Seoul NTN
[SPOILER: All My Love] How does Jo Kwon confess his feelings?

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