Actor Daniel Choi has ditched his gentle image for a wilder one, as seen by his new pictorial with "BAZAAR" magazine. Through daring pieces like leopard prints and mesh shirts, the actor showed the meaning of transformation by doing a complete 180 with his image. Staff members revealed that he emerged from his dressing room with a nail clipper in hand and came up with the idea to use it in the shoot. He explained that he wanted to express the feeling of tension and nervousness for the viewer as they watch someone angrily clip at their nails. For his next cut, he brought out a piece of cloth from the pockets of his jacket and transformed it into a mustache prop, which reminded staff members of various scenes from the movie, "Cyrano Agency." In his interview, he revealed, "I want to move to the States and work part-time jobs at corner marts and dry cleaning stores. I want to start anew in a completely different environment. I wasn't that rich when I first debuted, so I wanted to make a lot of money with my career. I ran directly for the future ahead of me all this while, but now that time has passed, I feel differently." He continued, "Can you really be happy living in a nice house, driving a nice car, and wearing beautiful clothes? The more you possess, the more hardships you face. Money cannot secure happiness for you, and it's things like this to remain an obstacle in my life." The rest of his interview and photoshoot can be seen through the April edition of "BAZAAR." Source: OSEN via Nate
Daniel Choi for "BAZAAR"
Posted by 42 pts Saturday, March 19, 2011
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