Actor Jung Woo Sung (age 38) and actress Lee Ji Ah (age 30) were spotted on a date in the Champs-Élysées in Paris on March 6th. The actor was dressed in a comfortable jumper and black hat, while the actress wore a white fedora with a black coat and jeans. In the photo, the two have linked arms and are window-shopping while walking down the street. The two met on the set of the SBS drama, "Athena: Goddess of War", which ended on the 21st of last month. Jung starred as 'Lee Jung Woo', a NIS intelligence officer while Lee played the role of 'Han Jae Hee', a skilled female officer. In the drama, the two played as a timeless couple that reunited after separation. After checking with the respective entertainment agencies, the two stars did not have any photoshoots or CF schedules in Paris, nor were the two invited to an event by Hermes that was happening in Champs-Élysées that day. According to an airline employee, the pair departed for Paris last weekend through Arab Emirates, with Jung in business class and Lee in economy. There were no managers or staff members accompanying them on the trip. Jung's agency said, "Jung Woo Sung is currently meeting people he wasn't able to meet while filming "Athena", exercising and just recharging", adding on, "Last week, he was in Paris, but it was for personal reasons." Meanwhile, Lee's agency stated, "There were no CF or photoshoots scheduled. She is reviewing sequels and resting". Source: Nate
Are Lee Ji Ah and Jung Woo Sung dating?
Posted by 0 pt Friday, March 11, 2011
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