The 'queen' of K-Pop, Son Dambi, recently shared a cute moment to her fans when she dressed up in a deer costume. The singer uploaded a picture on Twitter on February 23rd, showing off her adorable costume. She also tweeted, "Dear fans!!! I received a gift today because it has been 10000 days since I debuted. Thank you so much and I love you all ^^. I liked the pajama so much so here's a picture~~I love you". She later showed off the entire costume, uploading another picture with the caption, "Full body length shot kekekekekeke. Thank you fans." The fans' affectionate nickname for the star is deer, originating from the classic Disney cartoon, "Bambi". I'm sure deers as cute as Dambi don't run around freely in nature though. Source: Son Dambi's Twitter
Son Dambi turns into a deer
Posted by 2 pts Wednesday, February 23, 2011
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