Despite the seemingly endless battle between the three members of KARA (Han Seungyeon, Jung Nicole, Kang Ji Young) and DSP Media, it looks like KARA fans have a positive indication that the friendships between members haven't changed significantly, thanks to a statement making change in display picture on Hara's official Twitter.
On the evening of February 21st, Hara recently changed her Twitter display picture from an individual picture of herself posing for the camera to a heartwarming group hug photo, which was taken by a news reporter from when they won an award for the group's 2010 hit track, "Lupin".
She hasn't tweeted since January 14th, presumably due to the internal strife, but the changing of the photo certainly has significance in itself.
Source: Hara's Twitter
KARA's Hara emphasizes close member bonds through Twitter display picture
Posted by 8 pts Monday, February 21, 2011
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