The official set of the star academy from the drama, 'Dream High', was recently revealed. The 1100-square meter building housing the 'Kirin Arts High School' in Gyeonggi-do is decorated with arched doors and hallways, with lecture rooms and cafes for the students to enjoy. Chief director Jung Ha Myung's (Bae Yong Joon) office was designed to create a soft tone and atmosphere by adding in minor props. The enormous saxophone in the lobby was a representation of the students' love and dreams for succeeding with music. The unique concept about the building is that everything is out in the open. The staff room can be seen from the chief director's room above, and students can also access the director's room through the cafeteria. In contrast to other existing school classrooms, the school was created to emphasize the dual growth and development of both the students and the teachers. "Through the new style of the star academy, 'Kirin Arts High School', viewers will be able to experience their ideal school and turn their dreams and visions into reality," stated a representative. Source: BNT News via Nate
The official set from "Dream High" revealed!
Posted by 8 pts Sunday, January 2, 2011
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