MBC's new mini-series, "My Princess," has released five official posters on January 4th. The posters feature the four leading roles of the drama - Song Seung Hun, Kim Tae Hee, Park Ye Jin, and Ryu Soo Young - in a luxurious atmosphere fit for the high class lifestyle of the characters. Although Kim Tae Hee was actually sick with a cold during the poster's photoshoot last month, she showed a professional attitude by going through the entire filming with bright smiles. Staff on-set revealed an interesting episode in which the two men tried to stand as far back as possible in the full cut because of the unusually tiny faces of the two ladies. The drama will air its pilot episode on January 5th. Source + Photos: Star News via Daum
Posted by 42 pts Tuesday, January 4, 2011
"My Princess" releases five new posters!
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