'Superstar K2' contestant Kim Bo Kyung revealed that she could perform anywhere live, even in a public washroom. The video clip has been spreading on various online sites, and it's said that it was created last year in December before the singer performed for a 'Blood Donors Day' event. In the clip, Kim Bo Kyung is shown in comfortable attire, singing Avril Lavigne's 'Tomorrow' while playing the guitar. Although the singer didn't have a mic to amplify her voice, she displayed strong, steady vocals throughout the clip. Fans who enjoyed the clip complimented, "Kim Bo Kyung's vocals shine even in the bathroom," "The idea of practicing anywhere before a performance is beautiful" and "She is the best in live." Source: Newsen
Kim Bo Kyung reveals great live skills, even in the bathroom
Posted by 1 pt Monday, January 31, 2011
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