IU, who previously headlined for presenting her high school classmates with rice cakes in celebration of her wins on music programs, expressed her gratitude towards the staff members of SBS's "Heroes" by gifting them 100 padded jackets. According to information revealed by representatives of SBS on January 7th, IU presented the staff members of the show with 100 jackets from the sportswear brand she models for. The young star personally thanked them for suffering in the cold while filming for the show. Producers commented, "IU receives the love of everyone on set. She must be so tired with her busy schedule, but she always makes sure to greet everyone with a bright image. The way she has so much concern for others is beautiful." Source + Photos: SPN via Daum
IU gifts 100 jackets to the staff members of SBS's "Heroes"
Posted by 42 pts Friday, January 7, 2011
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