Actor Lee Jong Seok, who currently plays the role of 'Sun' in SBS's "Secret Garden," has shed his chic and rebellious image in the drama for a cuter image transformation through "Vogue Girl." Through a vivid pink knit top and a cute newspaper hat, the actor shows off a contrasting style to that of his usual image. His model experience can also be seen in the accompanying photo of him in a suit, which gives off a classier feel. The photographer commented, "Lee Jong Seok's sweet, pretty boy features combined with his broad shoulders and long limbs do well in creating a luxurious effect. He's very shy and respectful, but manages to give off a serious gaze in front of the camera." The actor is currently rising as a 'hot new star' since his appearance in "Secret Garden" and is earning a variety of different CF deals. This photoshoot can be seen in the January 2011 issue of "Vogue Girl." Source + Photos: Newsen via Daum
Actor Lee Jong Seok looking cute in "Vogue Girl"
Posted by 42 pts Tuesday, January 4, 2011
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