4minute's Jihyun has been added to the long line of former JYP Entertainment tryouts, as her audition tape for the label recently surfaced on various community boards. In the video, Jihyun is seen rehearsing in comfortable attire, and fans spotted her trademark 'moon smile' eyes immediately. She also showed off exceptional dance skills in her actual audition, and although she wasn't quite ready for debut at the time, it's easy to see that her skills made her stand out from the rest of the contestants. Netizens commented, "She was so talented even when she was little," "She's great, definitely talented," and "She, too, is from JYP Entertainment?" 4minute recently completed a successful Hallyu concert in Malaysia, and is scheduled to appear at the "Dream of Asia in Taiwan" performance in Taiwan on January 22nd. Check out her audition video below! Source: Sports Chosun via Nate
4minute's Jihyun auditioned for JYP Entertainment
Posted by 42 pts Monday, January 17, 2011
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