Photos of Ji Seung Joon, a former goalkeeper for a children's soccer team named 'FC Shootdori' for a KBS2TV Happy Sunday variety show almost five years ago, were recently revealed by his mother online and has been a topic of great interest amongst netizens. His mother, Yoon Go Jung-ssi, wrote, "Doesn't Seung Joon look so big now?" Ji Seung Joon was active as a goalkeeper in the KBS variety show back in 2005 called 'Happy Sunday - Fly Shootdori', which followed a team of children aged between 4 to 7 playing in soccer matches with Kim Jong Kook (later JunJin) as their coach. Back in those days, Seung Joon received an immense amount of popularity for his cuteness and sharp facial features. Netizens expressed their surprise as they commented, "He's grown so much", "He must be studying hard too", "I'm happy to see these photos", "He's grown to be good looking." [gallery] Check out some of the clips from the variety show down below. Source: MD Today, Korea Economy, Max Movie
Photos of Ji Seung Joon of FC Shootdori gains interest
Posted by 8 pts Saturday, December 4, 2010
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