The cast for the upcoming drama, "My Princess", will be spending Christmas together on the set. Pictures and video footage were uploaded onto the drama's me2day and Cyworld fanclubs, through which fans were able to see how their favorite stars brought a new meaning to the word, "multi-tasking". Song Seung Hun, who plays the crabby but romantic 'Hae Young', was seen giving Christmas greetings while concentrating on his script. The sassy princess-to-be, Kim Tae Hee, handed autographs to her fans while monitoring her acting off-screen. Park Ye Jin and Ryu Soo Young, who play as Kim Tae Hee's rival and crush respectively, warmed up the set's atmosphere with their close friendship, which dates back six years. Producers revealed, "The four main characters of 'My Princess' gave up their sweet vacation for their tight schedules. They're very determined to perfect everything, as the drama awaits its debut in January. We are continuing to work on expressing the different charms of all four characters." Check out the video below from the set of "My Princess"! Source: JoongAng via Nate
"My Princess" cast spends their Christmas on-set
Posted by 42 pts Saturday, December 25, 2010
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