Heartwarming photos of Jay Park and actor Jang Hyuk were recently revealed by Jang Hyuk's manager. Jang Hyuk has been busily filming for his new movie, 'The Client', and Jay Park visited his labelmate on-set with an Art of Movement member to show his support. It's been known that Jang Hyuk and Jay have been getting closer since Jay's entrance into SidusHQ. Jang Hyuk's manager tweeted, "Ahh it's getting colder.. Even when it's this cold, Jaebeom said he'd come to the set to see his hyung… Of course, Jaebeom's kind… You have all the requirements to become the best, Jay Park!!!!" He also added, "Even though Jay was cold, he waited for his hyung and took a picture together~~ Looks good keke Since Jaebeom did the hand pose, Hyuk hyung copied him keke Jaebeom, it was so cold today, you must've had a hard time coming here~~~ ^^ See you again soon." [gallery] Source: TV Daily via Nate
Jay Park visits his close friend, Jang Hyuk, on set
Posted by 8 pts Friday, December 31, 2010
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