Actor Kim Kab Soo revealed a picture he took with Ga-In via his personal Twitter, and expressed his love for the junior actors. The two are currently co-starring in MBC's sitcom, "All My Love", and play the role of stepfather and stepdaughter. On December 20th, the actor tweeted, "While recording sitcom 'All My Love.' One cut with the Brown Eyed Girls' Ga-In! Ga-In is pretty, right? She's such a bundle of charms~" Netizens commented, "It's nice to see such a heartwarming picture from a senior and a junior," and "Does Kab Soo ajusshi want a daughter now?" The netizens also didn't forget to take care of Jo Kwon, who plays the role of his stepson, by adding, "Don't just love your daughter, love your son, Ok Yeob, too!" Source: Star News via Nate
Actor Kim Kab Soo shows love for his "All My Love" daughter, Ga-In
Posted by 42 pts Tuesday, December 21, 2010
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