The seemingly perfect girls of KARA revealed their various 'inferiority complexes' on KBS2TV's recording of "Happy Together- Season 3". Gyuri said with her signature confidence, "My insecurity is my makeup-free face. My bare face is prettier than my makeup face", causing a riot among the other guests. Seungyeon joked, "My head is smaller than most people, so normal hats do not fit me well," while Hara added to the hilarity by saying, "My complex is that I can't gain weight." The youngest member, Jiyoung, topped it off by boldly stating, "I honestly don't understand what an inferiority complex is." On this day, the KARA members also uncovered the reality of "Goddess Park Gyuri". Seungyeon said, "Singers attach in-ear microphones by taping them to their necks. But one day, I saw that Gyuri still had tape on her neck from the night before". Hara added to the embarrassment by explaining, "The other members have to re-style their hair because they wash it in the morning. However, Gyuri's hair is still curled from having it styled the day before. She doesn't wash her hair often." This hilarious episode also stars 2AM and Jun Hyun Mu and will be aired next week. Source: Newsis
KARA members share their various 'complexes'
Posted by 0 pt Thursday, November 25, 2010
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