SBS's 'Secret Garden' aired its pilot episode on November 13th, and a specific outfit from the show has become quite the hot topic on the internet. The head of a successful department store, 'Kim Ju Won' (Hyun Bin), meets stuntwoman 'Gil Ra Im' (Ha Ji Won) wearing an incredibly shiny tracksuit. Ju Won shows great pride into his suit, despite it being extremely gaudy. Whenever somebody made a snide comment about it, he adamantly retorted, 'This suit was hand-stitched in Italy!' Viewers commented on the show's bulletin board, 'When will Ju Won take off that ugly suit?', and 'No matter how expensive that track suit is, I crack up whenever I see it'. Meanwhile, AGB Nielsen Media estimated that the first and second broadcast of 'Secret Garden' received 17.2% and 16% respectively. That's exactly how we feel, Ha Ji Won. Source + Image: Max Movie via Nate
Hyun Bin's training suit on 'Secret Garden' cracks up netizens
Posted by 1 pt Monday, November 15, 2010
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