Graduation photos of Co-Ed's Star Light Chan Mi have been piquing much interest amongst netizens recently. In contrast to her bright blonde hair that was styled to accentuate her powerful and charismatic features, the graduation pictures demonstrate a more innocent side of the idol. With her long, black-brown hair and the absence of heavy eye makeup, Chan Mi looks much more pure and modest, like a student with perfect school attendance. Netizens commented, "She was prettier before debut", "She doesn't suit bleached hair and make up. It's better to just go with the pure and innocent look", and "She looked so innocent before debut. She went the wrong direction." Co-Ed performed their goodbye performance for 'It's Too Late' and 'Bbiribbom Bbaeribbom' on Inkigayo this weekend. Source: TV Report
Co-Ed Star Light Chan Mi's graduation photos revealed
Posted by 8 pts Sunday, November 28, 2010
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