Behind-the-scene selcas from Orange Caramel's MV set were recently revealed. Nana, Raina and Lizzy came on music video set of 'A~ing?" wearing outfits from the children's movies 'Alice in Wonderland' and 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarves'. After their cute images in sparkly dresses for their last hit song 'Magic Girl', the three members have come back once again in the form of children's books' characters to display their overflowing sweetness. <3 Members, 3 Colors> While the '4D' personality of Nana looks shocked as she poses with her big round eyes, Lizzy stood behind a flower and gave a bright smile. Meanwhile, Raina looked rather busy as she was punching numbers on her phone. <The 'Maknaes' display their charms> Nana and Lizzy are back again on the barn set. Both got their long hair teased, and expressed their innocence with their 'V' sign poses. <Inside a children's book> The Orange Caramel members have warped into a children's book. It looks like an evil old witch would spring out of nowhere and the seven dwarves would chase them around while singing. <Together with the 'kid' Elf> Orange Caramel posed with the child actress, Jung Hyun. The members look bright and happy as usual. Source: Sports Hankooki
BTS Photos of Orange Caramel's MV set revealed
Posted by 8 pts Friday, November 26, 2010
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