Two weeks ago, Movement Lifestyle uploaded the first installment in their one-of-a-kind video series called Adventures with YG Entertainment. By the reactions from the pilot episode, the series looked promising as it delved into the lives of YG Entertainment artists and leveled with fans on a more personal and intimate note. Well, the latest episode takes it a step further, as it shows fans a side of idols we hardly ever see on screen. Contrary to the first episode, in which choreographer Keone Madrid did most of the talking, the newest episode features interviews from the famed Shaun Evaristo. In the second installment, Shaun discussed the struggles of prepping Taeyang for his comeback, while fans were treated to more eye candy of Taeyang singing and dancing to his hit song, "I Need A Girl." However, fans got a rare glimpse of an idol dealing with the pressure of a comeback. During the video, Taeyang appeared to be overcome with nervousness, so Shaun stepped in and offered some encouraging words. It just goes to show that no matter how flawless an idol may be, they still are human. But through all that hard work, we know it paid off! Additionally, Big Bang's leader G-Dragon makes a short appearance in the end speaking perfect English, although it can hardly be considered a line of dialogue. But we'll just have to wait and see for episode three to hear more about G-Dragon. Until then, check out episode two!
Movement Lifestyle: Behind-the-scenes with Taeyang and...G-Dragon?
Posted by 0 pt Wednesday, October 13, 2010
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