"Mary Skipped the Curfew" is an upcoming drama on KBS2TV that stars Jang Geun Suk, among other famous actors and more stills of him were revealed today. In the drama, Jang Geun Suk's character, Kang Moo Kyul is kind of a hippie. I guess that's the reason for his long hair. But the long hair didn't seem too surprising to me because that's how he usually looks. His bohemian fashion style in the drama is what defines his hippiness. His stylist said, "If I were to describe his style in the drama, I would say that he has a grunge look." The guitar really is the cherry on top. What hippie doesn't play the guitar? The only problem is that he looks more like a girl than a grunge guy, but still hot. The first episode airs on November 8th. [gallery] Source: Star News Photo: KBS2TV
Jang Geun Suk becomes a hippie
Posted by 5 pts Tuesday, October 12, 2010
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