Over the past few months, there have been speculations on whether or not singer/rapper MC Mong has been dodging his draft for 7 years by purposely taking out his teeth. As draft-dodging is considered a serious crime in Korea, an investigation was carried out to examine the accusations. On the 10th, the Seoul Metropolitan police agency stated, "Using three reasons, which were: applying for the grade 7 civil service exam, occupational training, and overseas travels, MC Mong delayed his military enlistment 7 times between the years 1999 and 2006. During the two times he delayed his draft for his civil service exam application, he filmed a movie, released albums and participated in other vigorous activities." In regards to whether MC Mong deceitfully dodged his military service, the police responded, "We confirmed the truth behind the removal of his teeth". According to the police, when MC Mong received his first physical examination in August 1998, his teeth were reported to be in perfect condition. However back in 2007 when his exemption from military service was made due to the lacking of teeth, he had a total of 12 teeth missing. Although MC Mong is insistent that it was all due to tooth decay, it was confirmed that out of the 12 that were taken out, he purposely took out 4 extra in order to fail his teeth examination. MC Mong claimed twice in the police investigation, "Because the enlistment/delay is done by my entertainment company I'm not too sure, but my teeth were never in good condition due to tooth decay." However the police representative stated, "We have no plans to summon MC Mong a second time. He will soon be indicted without physical restraint."
MC Mong using teeth removal to dodge draft confirmed
Posted by 8 pts Saturday, September 11, 2010
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