The two charismatic stars, Jay Park & Jang Hyuk, have teamed up for Vogue magazine. The pictorial theme of "defining man" suited the two models perfectly. Jang Hyuk was recommended by the photo shoot officials for his stellar performance as a slave hunter in "Chuno". His portrayal of "Dae Gil" as a beast lost in his hunt for love placed "Chuno" as the top summer drama. Jang Hyuk displayed on the set his prowess as an actor with 15 years of experience. Jay Park, however, did not lose his footing amongst his senior, as he added his own layer of style in the "ragged masculinity" shots. Although it was pretty hot and stuffy while filming at 33°C on the KyungKiDo car dumpster set, both actors showed remarkable talent and durability. In the midst of the photo shoot, Jay revealed, "In the movie 'Penthouse Elephant' there was a guy I wanted to grow up resembling. I later found out that he was Jang Hyuk." Jang Hyuk continued, "Although he looks pretty, his stage charisma is rock solid, and his performances show nothing if not his aura of confidence." Although both stars belong under the same agency (Sidus HQ), they rarely meet due to schedules and different activities. This photo shoot provided a natural setting for the two to congregate. This "beastly masculinity" pictorial will be released in Vogue's October issue. Source: Newsen
Jay Park & Jang Hyuk for Vogue
Posted by 0 pt Friday, September 24, 2010
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