On the upcoming episode of MBC's Bouquet, the boys of U-Kiss were the special guests. During the show, U-Kiss member Soohyun was claimed by the cast members to look like the show's MC, Jung Hyun Don, so the two stood side by side to compare their faces. Furthermore, some of the cast members also stated that Soohyun looks like Boom, who is currently serving the military, so Soohyun acted out Boom's famous pose, and used his quote, "This is Boom!," which caused the cast to burst out with laughter. Meanwhile, the boys of U-Kiss even showcased a Michael Jackson dance during their visit. Stay tuned to the broadcast on the 15th to watch this episode!
U-Kiss' Soohyun looks like Jung Hyun Don and Boom?
Posted by 3 pts Saturday, August 14, 2010
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