Earlier today, Narsha of Brown Eyed Girls' follow-up track titled Mamma Mia, featuring a K-pop group Sunny Hill, was released. Just moments ago, a MV teaser of Narsh'a Mamma Mia was unveiled. In the teaser, it contains a sexy kiss scene done by Narsha as you will see her having a deep kiss with a man. Through the teaser, Narsha proves that she is indeed an "adult idol." The MV was directed by the same director, Hwang Soo Ah, who also worked with her MV for Bbi Ri Bba Bba. Without further ado, check out the teaser below! Mamma Mia is composed by a combo of Lee Min Soo and Kim Lee Na, both of whom are known to be hit composers. Meanwhile, the full MV will be unveiled on the 24th, so stay tuned!
Narsha reveals Mamma Mia teaser
Posted by 3 pts Friday, August 20, 2010
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