Girl idol group Kara, who achieved great popularity in Japan after their official debut on the 11th, held a hand shake event at Tokyo's Shinkiba Studio Coast. Japanese online media YomiWoori introduced the event with a picture of the girls kneeling down and posing with fans. On this day, member Gyuri revealed a surprising behind-the-scenes story during their stay in Japan. In Japanese, the singer said, "Jiyoung and I were walking in Harajuku eating crepes when we were suddenly scouted (streetcasted). A magazine reporter asked to take pictures of us, but we said, 'Sorry. Japanese is very hard for us,' and escaped." In addition to talking about the occurrence, Kara did not forget to thank their fans. Each member expressed their thanks to fans and revealed their future plans. The youngest member, Jiyoung, expressed, "From now on, let's not be apart and meet frequently." Nicole said, "We won't lose sight of our goals and always work hard so please cheer for us." 'Goddess' Gyuri, "Thank you for coming out to see us at such a hot weather. Please enjoy the event". Lastly, Seungyeon, "We didn't think that we could come this far. Please take care of us."
Kara thanks their Japanese fans
Posted by 1 pt Wednesday, August 18, 2010
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