Another photo of BoA backstage with the members of SHINee has been revealed through SHINee's me2day. Judging from their outfits, it looks like this picture was taken on the same day as the picture that BoA posted on her Twitter yesterday. In this picture, BoA and SHINee are doing the signature dance moves for their songs. In the first picture they are doing BoA's Hurricane Venus V-dance, and in the second photo they are doing SHINee's Lucifer handcuff dance. Unfortunately, Onew was not present for these pictures because he was busy being yesterday's guest MC. Each member shared a short encouraging message for BoA on their me2day.
Jonghyun: "I like the lyrics, 'who is born from an anxious whirlpool' ke aja aja Venus BoA Fighting!^^" Taemin: "BoA senior~ Show us a cool pose!" Minho: "Our BoA-nuna who has returned after 5 years~! So cool~ Hurricane Venus daebak~" Key: "Our BoA-nunim who has returned as a goddess! ^^ Please love her a lot!"Both BoA and SHINee have been recognized for their flawless vocal performances upon their recent comebacks.
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