Jerry debuted recently with his song Love which featured Jewelry Ha Ju Yeon's rapping. This time around, he switched up his partner and performed with T-ara's Hyomin for a change. On today's Music Bank, he paired up with Hyomin for his stage of Love. He's still a rookie but it looks like he has some hot connections. Hyomin showed off her rapping skills, something we don't see much of. On the 5th, Hyomin and Jerry's staff celebrated his birthday with him. Jerry said, "I'm so thankful that I get to work with T-ara's Hyomin sunbae after Ha Joo Yeon sunbae. I'm happy to be gaining attention through my sunbaes. I'll always keep working harder." Hyomin and Jerry definitely had some chemistry, right?
Jerry performs with T-ara's Hyomin on Music Bank!
Posted by 5 pts Friday, May 7, 2010
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