Every rising star needs an official fanclub, and it seems that Jay Park is no exception. Now that he has separated himself from 2PM, the singer-dancer (and soon-to-be actor) is musing over possible fanclub names for himself and is reaching out to his fans for help! As we reported a few days ago, Jay got right to business with the creation of his Twitter and asked for suggestions regarding the official title of his fanclub. Since then, it seems that Jay will narrow the suggestions down to three, then let fans decide with a poll.
During the Jay-2PM controversies, the name "Bumtists" seemed to catch on for Jay supporters; however, the newest popular choices include "Jaywalkers," "Disciples" (Jaysus, get it...), "Jaybombs" and quite simply, "Bums." Out of the current options, which do you like best?customer surveys Have an idea yourself? Leave a comment on his Youtube account or reply to Jay on Twitter!
Jay Park wants you to name his fanclub
Posted by 4 pts Friday, May 21, 2010
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